Our Story

Dayboat Blue was founded by Togue Brawn to help consumers access pure, sustainable, affordable DELICIOUS seafood from a trusted source. In her 30+ years in the fishing and seafood industry, Togue learned most Americans want to eat more seafood, but they don’t know how to find it.

Through her business Downeast Dayboat, Togue had been shipping seafood directly to consumers for years, but the shipping costs made her products something most Americans couldn’t afford on a regular basis.

And since 90% of Americans don’t eat the recommended 2 servings of seafood per week, she wanted to get great seafood out more affordably.

Turning Inspiration into action…

In 2022, Togue heard Sonia Strobel speak about Skipper Otto, the Vancouver-based company she founded to distribute her father in law’s halibut. Skipper Otto was one of the first Community-Supported Fisheries in North America, and by utilizing community partners as pick up locations rather than shipping directly to homes, they were able to offer seafood more affordably and with fewer environmental impacts.


Almost two years later, Togue launched Dayboat Blue, a CSF based on Skipper Otto, utilizing premium Maine seafood.

What does that mean? 

It means that most Americans have NO IDEA what truly pure seafood, respectfully handled, is supposed to taste like. We’d like to change that.

Traditional distribution prioritizes moving volume quickly over preserving quality. The best example is scallops, where 95% come from large boats fishing a week or more at a time. Dayboats are different, fishing for mere hours, coming ashore with a small amount of ultra pure, ultra delicious catch. We want to show you what seafood is supposed to taste like.

“The BEST seafood you NEVER had!”

“Growing up on the coast of Maine with a lobsterman father I was surrounded by amazing seafood. But when I got older and started traveling I began to realize just how rare and precious my easy access to top quality seafood was.  Sadly, most Americans have no idea what  seafood is supposed to taste like… 

I want to change that.

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