Why take my word for it?

You’re probably wondering…

“How is this company any different from the countless others that have promised to get me better seafood?”

The first answer is straightforward: our model combining memberships, online purchases and neighborhood pickups is revolutionary. You can read more about that in the “Our Story” section.

The second answer is personal: I am not your average fishmonger.

My father, whom I adored, was a fisherman. My first job was at a fish market. The job I worked at longest was at a waterfront dive bar (26 years!) and my graduate degree is in marine policy. My passion is fisheries management, and I’m still a member of the New England Fishery Management Council, where I help shape Federal Fisheries Policy. I never wanted to sell fish. I do it because SOMEONE needs to fix the fact that most Americans don’t have easy access to delicious, sustainable, affordable US seafood.

Through my business Downeast Dayboat, for 13 years I’ve been on a mission to show Americans what scallops are SUPPOSED to taste like. I do that by shipping scallops directly to consumers within 24 hours of harvest. And the difference between my scallops and what’s available from traditional suppliers is astounding.

So when my customers started asking for more Maine seafoods, I sought out products I thought were worthy of being offered alongside my beloved dayboat scallops. And when I kept getting emails telling me how very different my seafood was, I began to realize that while delicious seafood was always a given in my family, the vast majority of Americans are not so lucky.

If you’re interested in learning more..

US seafood distribution is designed to move quantity quickly, and it often does so at the expense of quality. It doesn’t have to be that way. Here in Maine, where I’ve worked in the fishing and seafood industry for almost 40 years (YIKES!), I know where and how to source amazing products. And thanks to modern packaging and freezing technology, established shipping routes and the cooperation of our community partners, I can get it to you at a fair price.

I can assure you that Dayboat Blue will be the best seafood you’ve ever tasted.

So go ahead:

Taste the difference a day makes®